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《格斗联盟》国服6月17日首测 NPC人设首曝

"Fighting the alliance" in service June 17 measured NPC backstory first exposure

2015-06-15 18:31:55来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 由畅游代理,3D格斗网游《格斗联盟》6月17日国服首测。今天,官方公开了游戏中大量的NPC人物设定。游戏的NPC形象保持近现代都市的整体风格,采用了超现实主义人物的美式漫画绘画手法表现,为大家带来了个性与时尚并存的NPC。 从曝光的NPC来看,《格斗联盟》采用美式漫画手法...

Sina game news by the tour agency, 3D fighting games "fighting alliance" on June 17, the first test service. Today, the official game of the number of NPC characters set. The game NPC image to maintain the overall style of the modern city, the use of the ultra realistic figure of American cartoon painting technique, for everyone to bring the coexistence of personality and fashion NPC. From the exposure of the NPC, the fight alliance using American comic technique...

标签: PC