新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乱斗西游至圣明王阵容搭配 装备选择

乱斗西游至圣明王阵容搭配 装备选择

Scuffle journey to Shengming Wang lineup match equipment selection

2015-06-16 00:25:30来源: TechWeb

乱斗西游至圣明王最强阵容搭配推荐由蚕豆网小编为大家带来。相信新英雄至圣明王大家都已经有所了解,然而至圣明王的阵容该怎么搭配呢?下面蚕豆网小编就为大家带来乱斗西游至圣明王最强阵容搭配推荐。 英雄分析 至圣明王拥有不错的输出效果,尤其在技能方面可谓是半肉半输出英雄的佼佼者。而且加上良好的...

scuffle journey to Shengming Wang strongest lineup matching recommended by Vicia faba network Xiaobian for you to bring. I believe the new hero to everyone has some understanding of the king. However, to the king's lineup with the how good? The beans network Xiaobian bring West to Wang Shengming scuffle the strongest team recommended. Hero analysis to Shengming Wang has good effect on the output, especially in skills can be described as semi half meat output hero leader. Plus good....