新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《花儿与少年》官方手游新版明日上线 全新关卡同..

《花儿与少年》官方手游新版明日上线 全新关卡同..

"Flowers and young," the official tour new tomorrow on-line new levels with..

2015-06-16 11:50:58来源: 不凡游戏网

由飞鱼科技、上海芒果互娱联合打造的蒙牛真果粒《花儿与少年》官方手游iOS新版将于6月17日上线(安卓新版手游将于近期更新上线)。全新的内容将带给我们哪些不一样的体验呢?现在就让我们提前了解下新版的精彩内容吧! 在此次蒙牛真果粒《花儿与少年》官方手游的新版中,第三个主题关卡将与节目同步开...

by flying technology, Shanghai mango mutual entertainment to create a joint Mengniu real fruit "flowers and young" official mobile game IOS version of the on June 17, on-line (new version of Android mobile games will in the near future more new on-line). What are the new experiences that will bring us? Now let us know the next version of the wonderful content of the new! In the new edition of the "Mengniu real fruit flowers and young" official Mobile Games, third theme points will open in sync with the program...

标签: 手游