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备战公测 《骑士之心》四大职业大揭秘

Prepare for the beta "Knights of the heart" of the four career secret Meng Meng

2015-06-09 09:58:49来源: 17173

萌萌哒奇幻巨作《骑士之心》即将迎来公测,大叔、萝莉、正太以及御姐,应有尽有,每一位都是特殊的存在;更有上百种幻灵萌宠与坐骑,让大家能享受一个放松的假期。 在公测来临之际,大家会烦恼用什么职业开启自己的冒险生涯吧,每一个职业都有自己的特色,接下来就为大家仔细解析一下四大职业的优劣之处吧...

Da fantasy masterpiece "Knights of the heart" is about to usher in the beta, uncle, Laurie, Zhengtai and sister, everything, every are special; more hundreds of Huan Ling Meng pets and mounts, let big can enjoy a relaxing vacation. At the dawn of the beta, we will worries what career to open their adventure it, every profession has its own characteristics, then for everyone careful analysis about four major professional advantages and disadvantages of it.