新关注 > 信息聚合 > 采血员第10关通关攻略 第10关怎么过

采血员第10关通关攻略 第10关怎么过

Blood member tenth pass clearance to pass a mark to pass a how to pass

2015-06-08 21:54:59来源: 4399

《采血员Blood Collector》第10关怎么过?采血员第10关怎么通关?小伙伴们想知道吗?想就一起来看看时辰给大家带来的采血员第10关通关攻略吧 。 1.首先在僵尸出生地中间设置一个跳跃标志,右边再设置一个加速标志,左边由上至下第2层依次设置转向、加速、攀爬标志,而右边则相反...

"blood member Collector Blood" Tenth pass how? Blood member tenth how customs clearance? Small partners want to know? Want to see the time to bring you blood collection member tenth clearance clearance Raiders. 1. First in the zombie was born to is arranged in the middle of a jump sign, the right to set an accelerated signs, top-down left layer 2 are orderly arranged steering, acceleration, climbing flag, and on the right side of the opposite...