新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我也能刺杀《圣域三国》常用偷袭套路浅析


I can kill the sanctuary of the Three Kingdoms "common attack on routine analysis of

2015-05-28 19:18:15来源: 天极网

提到刺杀,《圣域三国》玩家们往往会想到善于隐蔽和偷袭的暗行者,其实刺杀这一行当任何职业都能完成,只要掌握了相应技能和套路,你就是首屈一指的刺杀大师。今天我们就来探讨一下关于刺杀的一些话题。 减速无极限,剑士刺杀之道 在大部分人的观念中,刺客就应该是体型小而致命的存在,而剑士这种象...

mentioned the assassination of, the sacred three players tend to think good and covert attack on dark walker, in fact, the assassination of any professional profession can be completed, as long as the master the relevant skills and tricks, you are leading master of assassins. Today, we'll discuss some of the topics about the assassination.. Slowdown is no limit, swordsman assassination in most people's idea of Assassin should is the existence of small size and deadly, and swordsman like this...