新关注 > 信息聚合 > 荣耀之巅 8090《雷霆之怒》揭秘勋章系统

荣耀之巅 8090《雷霆之怒》揭秘勋章系统

Top Glory 8090 "thunder" secret medal system

2015-05-29 14:12:34来源: 07073游戏网

勋章可谓是一个人的荣誉得彰显,做的贡献越多,而且有着深刻的意义就能得到以兹鼓励的勋章。现实生活中,勋章可不是那么容易得到的,因为付出的代价有时候是你无法想象的,不过游戏中只要我们找对方法就能够获得。 在8090雷霆之怒中,勋章系统可大幅提高玩家的攻击属性,勋章可以进行装备强化,最高可...

Medal of it may be said is to honor one's manifestation and do more contribution, and has a profound significance can be obtained by this encouragement of medal. In real life, the medals are not so easy to get, because the price you pay is sometimes unimaginable, but as long as we get the right way to get the right way.. In 8090 thunder and medal system can greatly improve the player's attack attribute, medal can be equipment to strengthen, the maximum...