新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无尽之剑命运盔甲属性介绍


Infinity blade destiny armor attribute fate sword of endless

2015-05-29 14:18:10来源: 4399

无尽之剑命运中的防具分为头盔和盔甲,其中盔甲的主要作用是增加生命值和防御。游戏中的盔甲共有四种分支,下面就一起来看一下吧。 硼化盔甲系 嵌鳞钢甲系 铁板盔甲系 铁板系 以上是无尽之剑中盔甲的介绍,希望对你有所帮助。

armor for the helmet and armor. The armor's main role is increase the value of life and defense. There are four kinds of armor in the game, the following together to see. Boride armor block scale steel armor plate armor plate series more than endless sword armor, and they hope to be helpful to you.