新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微星2015《英雄联盟》校园争霸赛合肥赛区


MSI 2015 "hero alliance" the campus tournament Hefei division

2015-05-29 19:45:45来源: 中关村在线

微星2015《英雄联盟》校园争霸赛在2015年05月27日晚于合肥师范学院(锦绣校区)礼堂震撼开战。本次微星2015《英雄联盟》校园争霸赛活动现场人头攒动,热爱电竞的同学们踊跃参与活动。 在高校夜场的礼堂中约有300人参与,热爱游戏,热爱电子竞技,热衷DIY的同学们满怀激情,随着游戏...

MSI 2015 "hero alliance" the campus Championship 2015 05 June 27 later than Hefei Normal University (beautiful campus auditorium rocked in the war. The MSI 2015 the League of legends, campus hegemony race event site poll assemble, love gaming students are encouraged to participate in activities. Had about 300 people to participate in the auditorium of the night, love the game, love e-sports, keen DIY students full of passion, with the game.

标签: 英雄联盟