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血染屏幕 九阳神功增加低血量泛红警示

Bloody screen Jiuyang fascinating skills around increase low blood pan red warning

2015-05-29 14:29:55来源: 新浪

导语:蜗牛《九阳神功》新版本即将推出经脉成长系统提升武者属性,并优化美术资源减少卡帧掉帧。而在细节方面,本次《九阳神功》为了增强战斗带入感,特意添加了低血量屏幕泛红的危险警示,让战场变得更有紧张感! 由于《九阳神功》的大多数新手在接触游戏之初误认为我们的武者拥有以一敌百的神武勇猛,故...

lead: snail "Nine Yang magic," a new version of the upcoming growth of the meridian system enhance the martial attributes, and optimization of the art resources reduce card frame dropping frames. And in detail, the "Nine Yang magic," in order to enhance the combat brought a sense, specially added low output screen reddening the hazard warning, let the battlefield becomes more intense feeling! Due to the "Nine Yang magic," the most novice at the beginning of the game contact mistakenly believe that we Wu owner to an enemy Kotake Yu hundreds of, so...