新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙翼编年史》限时体验测19点开启


The chronicle of Dragon Wing limited experience survey 19 points to open

2015-05-29 11:45:02来源: 新浪

XIBA网游《龙翼编年史》将于今晚19点准时开启全新限时体验测试,极小客户端零门槛进入,大量游戏内容更新,全新的英雄、卡牌和装备,增添更多新玩法,给你更好玩的策略竞技游戏! 测试时间:即日起每天19:00—24:00。 官网地址 视频链接:见TXT文档 【全新游戏模式,增添...

XIBA swims "Dragon Wing Chronicle" will be on tonight 19 points on time to open a new limited experience test, minimal client zero threshold to enter, update a large number of game content, new hero, cards and equipment, add more new ways, give you more fun strategy game! Test time: Today 24:00 - 19:00. Official website address video link: see TXT document [new game mode, add...