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欲取天下,静待此时 《怒战三国》公测预告

Wants to take over the world, wait at the point of the wrath of war of the Three Kingdoms "beta notice

2015-05-28 21:39:25来源: 不凡游戏网

首款战略角色扮演+卡牌二合一手游《怒战三国》,将于6月3日天下公测,300位历史名人,五大博弈战场,谁能以自己的智慧征服三国?! 作为中华民族最耀眼的文化瑰宝,三国的战斗荡气回肠,它的故事动人心弦,它的战争上兵伐谋,它的爱情生死不渝。而首款将经典战棋玩法与丰富多样的卡牌相结合,用全新...

first strategic role play + card card combo tour the wrath of war of the Three Kingdoms", on June 3rd world Beta, 300 historical celebrities, five game battlefield, who can with own wisdom to conquer the Three Kingdoms?! As one of the most dazzling cultural gems of the Chinese nation, soul stirring battle of the Three Kingdoms, touching its story and its war on soldiers cutting plan, its love staunch. And the first game of the classic chess game with a variety of card cards, with a new...