新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有图有真相《成吉思汗》霸气坐骑“写真照”曝光


Picture is truth "Genghis Khan" domineering horse "portrait photos exposure

2015-05-22 13:06:43来源: 多玩游戏

由麒麟游戏重磅打造的经典PK网游《成吉思汗》多年经久不衰,受到玩家的持续热捧。虽然模仿者层出不穷,但始终难以超越经典。该作亮点众多,但要说到给玩家留下最深印象的莫过于它丰富华丽的坐骑系统。今天我们就为大家带来《成吉思汗》大批坐骑的绝版写真,接下来让我们一饱眼福吧。 【《成吉思汗》坐骑...

by kylin game heavy build classic PK online games" Genghis Khan "years of prolonged does not fade, by the players of the continuous hot holds. Although the imitator but it is difficult to go beyond the classical emerge in an endless stream. The bright spots, but when it comes to the game player the most impressive than its rich magnificent Mount system. Today we bring you "Gen Gi Khan" a large number of horse print photo, then let us have a feast for the eyes. [Gen Gi Khan mounts...