新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手把手教你使用DOTA2控制台 内附常用命令

手把手教你使用DOTA2控制台 内附常用命令

Taught you how to use the DOTA2 console containing a common command

2015-05-08 17:36:07来源: 太平洋游戏网

游戏玩多了,相信大家对控制台应该不会陌生,很多游戏都是有控制台的,尤其是Valve出的游戏,DOTA2也不例外。控制台的使用可以使游戏更加简单化,更加个性化。现在小编就教大家一些常用的控制台命令,可以完成一些在游戏设置里无法做到的任务,感兴趣的可以了解下哦! 再给大家简单介绍一下游戏...

play more games, I believe we should not be unfamiliar to the console, there are a lot of game console, especially the Valve out of the game, DOTA2 is no exception. The console can be used to make the game more simple, more personalized. Now Xiaobian teach you some common console commands can be completed, some do not set in the game task, can be of interest to know oh! To introduce the game...

标签: DOTA