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Shu Ke beta into chaos? "Day" theme fashion new encyclical God to restore the game

2015-04-30 15:23:49来源: 178游戏网

网易2015年战略级作品,无束缚3D幻想网游《天谕》将于5月22日开启半开放测试。今日,《天谕》开发组推出了以机械迷城为主题的新时装“奔雷”及新坐骑“绿皮螺旋桨”。 舒克贝塔携手“加盟” 作为一款幻想网游,《天谕》带给玩家的新内容永远不缺惊喜。全新朋克风格的时装“奔雷”的出现,也再...

NetEase 2015 strategic level work, without restraint "day" 3D fantasy online advisory will open semi open test in May 22nd. Today, "day" development group launched a letter machinarium as the theme of the new fashion "ponley" and the new "green horse propeller". Shu Ke to "join" beta as a fantasy online games, "a new day" to the content by game player will never lack surprise. The emergence of new punk style fashion "ponley", also again...