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《射雕英雄传OL》28日公测 新职业白驼视频首曝

"The legend of the Condor Heroes" OL 28 beta new occupation of white camel video first exposure

2015-04-16 14:18:39来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 4月16日消息,完美世界推出的3D武侠网游《射雕英雄传OL》将于4月28日开启公测,包括白驼、降龙、百杖、瑶光、疾影五大职业及多个顶级副本都将开放给玩家体验。今日,官方首度曝光了新职业白驼的视频。 新职业白驼:故事背景 为了瓦解金国的阴谋,白驼谷少主欧阳思彤现身江湖,誓...

news April 16th news, perfect world launched 3D martial arts online game Legend of the Condor Heroes "OL" will open beta on April 28th, including white camel, dragon, Baizhang, Yao light, disease shadow five vocational and top copies will be open to the game player experience. Today, the official first exposure of the new occupation of white camel video. The new occupation of white camel: story background in order to collapse after the plot, white camel Valley little Lord Ouyang Sitong appeared in the political arena, the oath...

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