新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不看你就亏了! 白女侠传授《暗黑3》装逼教程

不看你就亏了! 白女侠传授《暗黑3》装逼教程

Not to see you lose! White woman to teach "Diablo 3" pack to force this tutorial

2015-04-11 05:04:09来源: 17173

这次暗黑3国服开测,女侠(微博)的老爹立马表示:“想当年暗黑1和2都是我带着你下副本!现在你赶紧帮我弄个账号,我要和你一起玩!”纳尼?话说女侠叱咤亚服的时候老爹还不屑的玩他的暗黑2,没想到……大概是觉得有我这个大腿可以带他装逼带他飞了哈哈╮(╯▽╰)╭老爹真是太机智了! 想要和女侠一...

Diablo 3 National Service open test, woman (micro-blog) dad immediately said: "like Diablo 1 and 2 are with you a copy of my! Now you hurry to help me get an account, I want to play with you!" Nani? When the woman shook as Asia's father also did not play his Diablo 2, did not think of...... That is probably my legs can take him to act with his fly ha ha, (taking) with daddy's wit! Want a woman...