新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《一球成名3》18服开服活动公告


"A ball of fame 3" 18 open service activities notice

2015-04-13 10:47:50来源: 新浪

各位亲爱的玩家: 《一球成名3》18服,将于4月12日9:00火爆开启! 精彩的游戏内容,丰富的开服活动,等您来参与!! 活动一:球员限时不限签 活动范围:18服 活动时间:开服后七天 活动内容: 活动期间,将取消球员签约限制!如果您有保留或者搜到心仪的球员,请在活动...

dear game player: "goal 3" in April 12th 18, 9:00 hot open! Exciting game content, rich open service activities, waiting for you to participate!! Activity 1: player limit is not limited to sign the scope of activities: 18 time: seven days after the open service activities: during the event, will cancel the players signed limited! If you have a reservation or to search your favorite player, please in the activity...