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《裁决战歌》横扫三界 锻造系统曝光

"Decision" swept the three realms Battle Hymn of forging system exposure

2015-04-10 16:40:00来源: 太平洋游戏网

出门在外最重要的是什么?没错,就是“装备”!装备的锻造,是最有效提升战力的方法之一,通过强化武器、装备鉴定、装备熔炼、属性转移等操作,能让你的实力突飞猛进,从此横扫三界,所向披靡!点击《裁决战歌》游戏界面下方图标,即可打开锻造界面! 强化武器 在《裁决战歌》中,武器强化升级,能增加...

out the most important outside of what is it? Yes, it is "equipment"! The forging equipment, is the most effective method to enhance the combat capability of the weapon, by strengthening smelting equipment, equipment identification, property transfer, etc., can let your strength make a spurt of progress, then swept the three realms, carry the world before one! "" Battle Hymn of the game interface, click on the decision to open the interface below the icon, forging weapons in battle! "" to strengthen the ruling, weapon upgrades, can increase...