新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《恶魔不要啊》新萌宠电力十足 乱入的神奇宝贝

《恶魔不要啊》新萌宠电力十足 乱入的神奇宝贝

"The devil do not ah" new adorable pet full power entry Pokemon

2015-03-11 13:29:13来源: 4399

安卓内测正在火爆进行中,此次内测除了增加了一些新玩法外,还有全新的萌宠加盟!而这个萌宠相信大家一定都不会陌生,她就是神奇宝贝中的皮卡丘!本篇就和小编一起来了解一下恶魔不要啊中的新萌宠和新玩法吧! ▍新萌宠炫酷来袭 闪电皮卡丘力压全场 此次安卓内测,迎来了《恶魔不要啊》萌宠阵营中的一位...

Android beta are popular in the online, in addition to the increase in the number of new gameplay, and the new adorable pet join! And this adorable pet believe we are not unfamiliar, she is the magical baby Picacho in the new pet and adorable! New ways of the article and small make up and look at the devil do not ah! Man NEW Adorable pet cool incoming lightning Picacho beat the the Android beta, ushered in "a devil don't" Adorable pet camp in...