新关注 > 信息聚合 > 闯险关《新水浒Q传2》带兵突袭赚钱钱


Break defense "New Water Margin - Q 2" soldiers raided money money

2015-02-03 22:05:32来源: 多玩游戏

想拿出实力挑战自我极限,又想稳稳当当打宝赚钱?《新水浒Q传2》全面满足你的要求!带兵突袭金钱高端副本,风格迥异的回合战斗模式,丰厚的分段储备金奖励,究竟会给玩家带来怎样富可敌国的财富和挑战呢?邀上三五好友,前来一试便知! 《新水浒Q传2》的游戏背景是在北宋末年的乱世,奸臣高俅劝说皇上...

want to come up with the strength to challenge the limits of self, and to steadily playing treasure money? "New Water Margin - Q 2" fully meet your requirements! The soldiers raided the money high-end copy, different styles of turn based combat mode, piecewise reserve rewards the rich, what will bring to game player how fabulously rich wealth and challenges? Invited three five friends, came to a dead giveaway! "New Water Margin - Q 2" game background is in the Northern Song Dynasty in troubled times, son to persuade the emperor a traitor...