新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩服《冒险岛2》今日开测 丰富系统玩法一网打尽

韩服《冒险岛2》今日开测 丰富系统玩法一网打尽

Hanbok "Adventure Island 2" today open test system

2015-01-21 23:33:14来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 韩国 NEXON 旗下新作《冒险岛2》在今天1月21日至25日在韩国正式展开封闭测试。《冒险岛2》采用全3D视角开发,力图为玩家们创造一个独特世界。 《冒险岛2》 去年9月份测试时,游戏特有的可爱画面以及战斗场景受到了玩家们的好评。除了已知的消息,此次封闭测试还将公开P...

Sina Sina game - South Korean NEXON's new "Adventure Island 2" in January 21st to 25 in South Korea today officially launched the closed test. "Adventure Island 2" using the full 3D from the perspective of development, to create a unique world as the game player who. "Adventure Island 2" last September when testing, game specific lovely pictures and the battle scene by the game player who praise. In addition to the known message, the closed beta will also open the P...

标签: 冒险岛