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致即将逝去的2014 EVE国服大事件回顾

Due to imminent passing 2014 EVE in China big event review

2014-12-26 19:54:52来源: 太平洋游戏网

年关将至,《EVE Online》在大家的支持下即将步入崭新的一年。回顾已经进入倒数的2014年,我们经历了国服格局大洗牌,更创造了震惊世界的辉煌,在属于我们的时代,任何见证者都值得骄傲。2014,我们一起走过! 【国服势力洗牌-第二次生死战】 2014年1月1日,一场改写EVE...

year is approaching, "EVE Online" is about to enter the support from all the new year. The review has entered the countdown on 2014, we experienced the national service pattern of big reshuffle, create the brilliant shocked the world, in our era, any witness are proud. 2014, we walk together! [national service forces Shuffle - the second battle of life and death] in January 1, 2014, a rewrite EVE...