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元旦玩个痛苦 畅玩手游千元强机推荐

New year's day play a pain of playing Mobile Games thousand yuan strong recommend

2014-12-31 11:13:58来源: 天极网

每周手游推荐:EA旗下知名的游戏工作室Biowaree宣布经典动作RPG游戏《星球大战:旧共和国武士》目前已经正式登陆安卓平台!故事背景设定在4000年前银河共和国危机存亡之际。游戏中,玩家将化身为杰迪武士,为了银河共和国的和平而战斗。 《无主之地》系列手机版大作《无主之地传说》继I...

weekly Mobile Games recommended: EA's famous game studio Biowaree announced the classic action RPG game "Star Wars: the Old Republic warrior" has been formally landing on the Android platform! The story is set in 4000 before the Milky Way Republic on the occasion of the crisis of survival. In the game, game player will incarnation as a Jedi Knight, fighting for the Milky Way Republic of peace. "No man's land" series of mobile phone version of the great work "borderlands" following the I legend...

标签: 手游