新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《300英雄》新区“无限剑制”明日火爆开启!


"300 new" hero "unlimited blade works" irritable opening tomorrow!

2014-12-30 16:36:17来源: 电玩巴士

全球首款动漫对战类网游《300英雄》新区“无限剑制”将于12月31日18点火爆开服。新英雄、新皮肤也将同时登场,还有上线首胜获绝版东方英雄等给力活动,更有官方精心准备的新区、元旦礼包助你踏上超神之路。 "无限剑制"出自动漫《命运守护之夜》的技能,也是本次新英雄红A的固有结界。在动漫中...

global first animation battle kind the net swims "300 heroes" new "unlimited blade works" will be held in December 31st 18 points hot service. New heroes, new skin will also debut, and on-line wins were out of print Oriental heroes first awesome activities, more elaborate new official, new year's Day gift to help you set foot on the road to super. "Unlimited blade works" from the anime "fate stay night" skills, natural barrier is the new hero red A. In the animation...