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集MOBA和RPG之大成 第三把剑的潜力

Set MOBA and RPG third to the sword of the potential

2014-12-31 16:20:19来源: 新浪

第三把剑 CGWR 得分 CGWR:104 位 CGWR介绍 说正经的,我觉得就以三剑现在的用户数,要威胁LOL或DNF的地位,简直就是笑话。 但是,谁也不知道三剑的制作组今后会做出什么拉风的东西,除了他们自己。大多数人都知道,这游戏本来叫做无尽英雄!和lol同时发行! ...

third sword CGWR score of CGWR:104 CGWR said seriously, I think to three sword now number of users, to threaten the LOL or DNF position, is such a joke. But, who also don't know to make groups of three sword in the future will make what cool stuff, but their own. Most people know, this game was originally called the endless hero! At the same time and lol release! ...