新关注 > 信息聚合 > 叙事冒险新作《OPUS:龙脉常歌》现已在Steam发售


Opus, a new narrative adventure, is now on sale in steam

2021-09-01 18:24:10来源: 游戏时光

叙事冒险新作《OPUS:龙脉常歌》今日正式在 Steam 发售,与游戏本体一同推出的还有游戏原声精选辑组合包。视频地址本作是一款东方风格的太空歌剧,因龙脉相遇的少年少女,踏上注定分离的冒险。游戏中,玩家将扮演李莫,与能唱出龙脉之歌的艾妲一同冒险,并用艾妲的声音解谜,最终揭露一段宇宙的远古神话。《OPUS:龙脉常歌》的游戏原声专辑收录游戏中 32 首音乐,由知名作曲家 Triodust,与美国金球奖红毯典礼配乐师许家维共同操刀。对本作感兴趣的朋友不妨前往 Steam 商店页了解更多情报:《OPUS:龙脉常歌》Steam 商店页

The new narrative adventure opus: Dragon's constant song was officially released in steam today. Together with the game itself, there is the Game Soundtrack Collection portfolio. The video address book is an oriental style space opera. The young girls who meet because of the dragon vein embark on the adventure of separation. In the game, players will play li Mo, take risks with Aida who can sing the song of the dragon vein, solve puzzles with Aida's voice, and finally expose an ancient myth of the universe《 Opus: the soundtrack album of the game of "dragon vein often song" contains 32 pieces of music in the game. It is jointly operated by the well-known composer triodust and the soundtrack artist Xu Jiawei of the red carpet ceremony of the American Golden Globe Award. Friends interested in this work might as well go to the steam store page to learn more information: Opus: the steam store page of the dragon vein

标签: Steam