新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《漫威银河护卫队》剧情预告片公开:星爵的奇幻冒险


The plot trailer of Marvel Galaxy escort is open: the fantasy adventure of xingjue

2021-09-10 05:11:46来源: 游戏时光

今日(9 月 10 日)的「PlayStation Showcase 2021」直播中,《漫威银河护卫队》的新预告片正式公开。视频地址《漫威银河护卫队》是一款叙事驱动型的第三视角动作冒险游戏。玩家将扮演银河护卫队成员与邪恶敌人展开交锋。本作将于 10 月 26 日登陆 PS5 / PS4 / Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One / PC,游戏支持中文。来源:PlayStation

In the live broadcast of "Playstation showcase 2021" today (September 10), the new trailer of Marvel Galaxy escort was officially released. The video address "Marvel Galaxy escort" is a narrative driven third perspective action adventure game. The player will play a member of the galaxy guard and fight against the evil enemy. This work will log in to ps5 / PS4 / Xbox series x|s / Xbox one / PC on October 26. The game supports Chinese. Source: Playstation