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The trailer of the big version of "eight wastelands in ghost Valley" was released on October 16

2021-10-09 18:18:30来源: 游戏时光

沙盒修仙游戏《鬼谷八荒》新版本「宗门·天骄」即将于 10 月16 日上线。今日官方公开了本次更新的预告片,展示了宗门战等内容,片尾更有玩家带着整个宗门前去讨伐 BOSS 的片段。视频地址官方配文:宗门重做,天骄降临。运筹帷幄,征战八荒。

The new version of "zongmen Tianjiao" of the sand box fairy repair game "eight wasteland of ghost Valley" will be launched on October 16. Today, the official released the trailer of this update, showing the zongmen war and other contents. At the end of the film, there is a clip of players taking the whole zongmen to crusade against the boss. Video address official text: zongmen redo, Tianjiao coming. Devise strategies for the eight wastelands.