新关注 > 信息聚合 > 像素风卡牌塔防游戏《卡迪恩防线》现已发售


Pixel wind card tower defense game "Cardian defense" is now on sale

2021-10-09 14:35:28来源: 游戏时光

像素风卡牌塔防独立游戏《卡迪恩防线》现已在 Steam 平台开启抢先体验,首周特惠九折,折后价 49.5 元,活动持续一周。商店页地址:传送门。游戏中有 3 名各具能力的统帅可选,11 组士兵阵营和羁绊,搭配附魔、物品、天赋与多种卡牌组合。视频地址 卡迪恩大陆曾经是祥和富饶的世界,然而黑暗军团的到来打破宁静。作为统帅的你,需要带领子民采集资源建设家园;招募各地勇者构筑一道道防线,击退怪物潮水般源源不断的进攻 。 在游戏当中,玩家需要部署强力部队,坚守最后的防线;释放强大法术,与潮水般的敌人决一死战,从丰富的卡牌与物品中选择,构建强力卡组。11个勇士阵营可通过阵营羁绊进行阵营间搭配,并通过附魔玩法强化战士。游戏在冒险模式关卡外,也有每日挑战等供玩家尝试。

The pixel wind card tower defense independent game "Cardian defense" has been launched on the steam platform. The first week's special 10% discount, after which the price is 49.5 yuan, and the activity lasts for a week. Store page address: portal. There are 3 commanders with different abilities in the game, 11 groups of soldier camps and fetters, combined with enchantments, items, talents and a variety of card combinations. Video address

标签: 游戏