新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访腾讯光子工作室群总裁陈宇:在光子宇宙里,探索浪潮的方向


Exclusive interview with Chenyu, President of Tencent photon studio group: exploring the direction of the wave in the photon universe

2022-06-15 18:30:51来源: 触乐

我们每年都会跟光子聊上几次。有时候是我,有时候是我的同事。每年采访的主题会或多或少地改变,我们谈过对游戏的热爱,谈过光子面临的机遇,也谈过面对国际市场的挑战。在事后看来,这些对谈既是光子自身的战略部署,也在某种程度上折射出时代的变迁。 最近这次对谈的契机是光子工作室群的全球品牌体系和愿景理念升级。光子工作室群刷新海外品牌名称为“LIGHTSPEED STUDIOS”,并提出了打造“光子宇宙”平台的品牌目标。光子将这一次品牌刷新称为“认知升级”,这也是光子工作室群对于游戏未来发展方向的探索和预测。 6月13日,光子工作室群发布公开信,阐述了他们的全新品牌体系及愿景理念 说实话,大多数人会把品牌升级这件事儿看成是某种务虚的体现,在某些时候,

We talk to photon several times a year. Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's my colleague. The theme of the interview will change more or less every year. We talked about our love for games, the opportunities faced by photons, and the challenges faced by the international market. In hindsight, these dialogues are not only the strategic deployment of photons, but also reflect the changes of the times to some extent.

标签: 腾讯