新关注 > 信息聚合 > WePlay五周年将请到小高和刚参与观众连线活动


For the fifth anniversary of weplay, xiaogaohe just participated in the audience connection activity

2021-11-30 20:03:07来源: 游戏时光

游戏文化主题展会 WePlay 2021 即将于 12 月 11~12 日在上海静安区电气文通709媒体园区华丽空间50+ 召开,活动上将有中国独立游戏联盟 CiGA 和日本杂志 Fami 通、电击游戏共同举行游戏直面会舞台活动,届时将请到多位国内外大牌嘉宾登场,首先公布加盟该活动的有《弹丸论破》系列制作人小高和刚。 小高和刚目前就职于 Tookyo Games,曾担任人气文字冒险游戏《弹丸论破》系列的剧本创作,此后还与著名影星本乡奏多等合作创作真人实拍游戏《死亡成真》,2021 年还与另一知名制作人打越钢太郎合作制作了《世界末日俱乐部》。由于疫情情况本次游戏直面会将为线上直连形式进行,时间为 12 月 11 日 11:00~12:00 和 14:00~16:00 时间进行,而小高和刚将在 12 月11 日

Weplay 2021, a game culture themed exhibition, will be held from December 11 to 12 in the magnificent space 50+ of the 709 media Park of dianwentong, Jing'an District, Shanghai. At the event, ciga, a Chinese Independent Game Alliance, and famiton, a Japanese magazine, and electric shock games will jointly hold a game face-to-face stage event. At the session, many famous guests at home and abroad will be invited to the show. First of all, it will be announced that Xiaogao Hegang, a producer of the series of "projectile theory" will join the event.