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Baokemeng, composed of unmanned aerial vehicles, shines in the starry sky in summer night

2022-07-26 17:08:09来源: 游戏时光

7 月 24 日晚,在北海道小樽市举行的「小樽牛尾祭」上,《宝可梦 GO》特别无人机表演在夜幕中展开。本场表演以「夏天,来一场大冒险吧」为主题,由超过 700 架无人机组成的最高 100 米、宽 200 米的大型编队,为观众展示了「皮卡丘」、「喷火龙」、「烈空坐」在内的 6 只宝可梦。表演原计划同时进行网络直播,可是因为突然的仪器故障被取消了。庆幸的是,有网友记录下了这次表演并分享了视频,让我们得以感受到现场的热烈氛围。皮卡丘喷火龙阿罗拉椰蛋树耿鬼吼鲸王烈空坐小樽牛尾祭来源:Twitter、Twitter

On the evening of July 24, at the "Otaru oxtail Festival" held in Otaru City, Hokkaido, the special drone performance of "Baoke dream go" was launched in the night. With the theme of "summer, let's have a big adventure", a large formation of more than 700 UAVs with a maximum of 100 meters and a width of 200 meters showed the audience six baokemeng, including "Pikachu", "Spitfire dragon" and "liekong sitting". The performance was originally planned to be broadcast live on the Internet at the same time, but it was cancelled because of a sudden instrument failure. Fortunately, some netizens recorded the performance and shared the video, allowing us to feel the warm atmosphere on the scene. Pikachu spray fire dragon Arola coconut Egg Tree Geng ghost roar whale King lie sitting in a small bottle oxtail sacrifice source: Twitter, twitter