新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥运积分赛下月开启 中国羽队双打项目变阵

奥运积分赛下月开启 中国羽队双打项目变阵

The Olympic Games integral match next month to open China plume doubles project changes

2015-04-18 00:51:44来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 2015年澳大利亚羽毛球[微博]公开赛将于下月26日展开,本次比赛的开始也意味着奥运积分赛的开启。日前,世界羽联在其官方网站上公布了本次比赛各队的参赛名单,中国队在三个双打项目中的参赛阵...

Sina Sina sports dispatch the 2015 Australian Open Badminton micro-blog [] will be launched on 26 April, at the start of the tournament also means to open the Olympic jifensai. Recently, the world badminton federation announced the tournament team entry list on its official website, Chinese team array in the three doubles in the project...