新关注 > 信息聚合 > 分类调控深化楼市料进入降温周期


Classified material into the cooling property market regulation deepening cycle

2016-05-23 23:43:34来源: 环球网

继对部分地块设置最高出让价后,苏州市政府21日宣布,2016年商品住房用地供应计划为380公顷,同比增长22.6%,下半年将对房地产市场供需状况再作专题研究,确保房地产市场平稳健康发展。 这是近期二线热点城市楼市调控“因城施策”的一个缩影。业内人士表示,土地市场的火爆、房价的过快上涨...

Following the partial block set maximum sale price, Suzhou Municipal Government announced 21, 2016 commodity housing land supply plan is 380 hectares, an increase of 22.6%, the second half of the real estate market supply and demand will further thematic studies, to ensure that the real estate market stable and healthy development. This is the recent second-tier city market regulation hotspot "because of the city facilities strategy" in microcosm. Insiders said that the land market is hot, fast rising housing prices ...