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油价下跌环保车受挫 宝马仍看好电动车

The fall in oil prices and environmental protection vehicle frustrated BMW is still optimistic about the electric vehicle

2015-01-26 15:14:20来源: 中国新闻网

据美国彭博社1月19日消息,宝马全球销售业务负责人Ian Robertson日前表示,油价下跌可能会在短期内影响电动汽车的销量,但宝马不会因此改变策略。 油价下跌环保车受挫 宝马仍看好电动车 ...

according to Bloomberg News January 19th, BMW's global sales operations director Ian Robertson said recently, the drop in oil prices may affect the sales of electric vehicles in the short term, but BMW will not therefore change strategy. The fall in oil prices and environmental protection vehicle frustrated BMW remains bullish on electric vehicle...