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《梦三国2》蓬莱一血 普天同庆 活动开启

"Dream Three Kingdoms 2" Penglai blood celebration activities open

2015-05-26 19:30:06来源: 新浪

5月26日外传关卡——「蓬莱劫.陷阵」正式开启了。 梦三国史上最难的关卡副本地图,拒绝无脑砍怪。团队配合,并肩作战,究竟谁人可成为全服率先通关的队伍?拭目以待候英雄! 本服专享-五谷丰登 最先...

5 Gaiden 26 levels - "Penglai robbery. Strong" officially opened. Dream of the most difficult level in the history of the map copy map, refused to blame. Team with, shoulder to shoulder, who can become the first clearance of the entire service team? Waiting to see the hero! This exclusive service - a bumper grain harvest first...