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乱斗西游2奇门鬼谷设置攻略 一夫当关

Scuffle journey 2 Qimen Raiders set

2015-08-10 17:14:50来源: 4399

乱斗西游2奇门鬼谷设置攻略。仅仅了解奇门鬼谷的规则是玩不好的。奇门鬼谷最有魅力的地方在于,玩家设置出来的鬼谷,需要自己能挑战通过而不让其他玩家通过。那么鬼谷应该怎么设置才好呢? 以昆仑山为例,在昆仑山上一共可设置2名英雄、6只怪物和7处陷阱,挑战的玩家需一路过关斩将,救出被冰封的两名友...

GUI Kwan scuffle journey 2 Qimen GUI set raiders. Just understand the special rule is Guiguzi playing well. Qimen Guiguzi the most attractive place is, players set out Guiguzi and need you can challenge by and not let other players through. Then Guiguzi what is good?? to the Kunlun Mountain as an example, in the Kunlun Mountains altogether will set the two heroes, 6 monsters and seven traps that challenges players to go all the way, rescued the frozen two friends...