新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勒夫大爆发!骑士半场领先17分 对手可叫马刺

勒夫大爆发!骑士半场领先17分 对手可叫马刺

Loew explosion! Knight halftime lead with 17 points can be called rival Spurs

2016-01-31 11:01:16来源: 新浪

有球迷现场示爱波波维奇 新浪体育讯 克利夫兰骑士半场66-49领先来访的圣安东尼奥马刺,勒布朗-詹姆斯只出手6次得到8分6次助攻,凯文-勒夫[微博]大发神威10投7中拿到18分8个篮板,凯里-欧文贡献7分4次助攻,特里斯坦-汤普森和JR-史密斯也各得10分。马刺方面,考瓦伊-莱昂纳德...

Site fans affection Popovich AP Cleveland Cavaliers 66-49 halftime lead visiting San Antonio Spurs, LeBron - James only shot six times by 8 points and 6 assists, Kevin - Lufkin [microblogging] Daihatsu Kamui 7 of 10 shots to get 18 points and eight rebounds, Carey - Owen contributed 7 points and four assists, Tristan - Thompson and JR- Smith each had 10 points. Spurs, test Wye - Leonard ...