新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国马术巡回赛广州总决赛开赛


Chinese Equestrian tour match Guangzhou finals start, Beijing, Guangzhou, November 27 (reporter Tang Guijiang) 2015 Longines table

2015-11-27 21:11:40来源: 中国新闻网

中新网广州11月27日电 (记者 唐贵江)2015浪琴表中国马术巡回赛香港赛马会杯广州总决赛27日在广州进行了首日的争夺,骑手王德青夺得当天60-90cm挑战赛首轮冠军;在100-115cm精英赛中...

China equestrian tour Hong Kong Jockey Club will Canton Cup finals 27 in Guangzhou for the first day of competition, rider Wang Deqing won the day 60-90cm challenges in the first round of the championship. In 100-115cm classic...