新关注 > 信息聚合 > 千元旗舰新标准 华为荣耀畅玩5X今日出炉

千元旗舰新标准 华为荣耀畅玩5X今日出炉

Thousands of flagship new standard Huawei glory smooth 5x released today

2015-10-27 15:13:21来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】华为荣耀畅玩5X将于今日在成都正式发布,据悉,此款机型号称“定义千元旗舰新标准”。 华为荣耀畅玩5X将于今日在成都正式发布 目前已知的消息显示,华为荣耀畅玩 5C 将搭载指纹识别,或采用金属机身,并且升级到 5.5 寸 1080P 屏,配置方面则会使用麒麟...

[Yesky News Channel News] Huawei glory smooth 5x will today in Chengdu officially released, reportedly, the models known as "thousand new flagship standard definition". Huawei glory smooth 5x will today in Chengdu officially released at present known message display, Huawei glory smooth 5C will be equipped with fingerprint recognition, or using a metal body, and upgrade to 5.5 inch 1080p screen, configuration will use Unicorn...