新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小吴带你读史:《史记》之《十二本纪 夏本纪④》

小吴带你读史:《史记》之《十二本纪 夏本纪④》

Xiao Wu with your histories, and records of the historian "Twelve chronicles summer chronicles 4"

2015-12-05 23:35:15来源: 长城网

导语:今天,《小吴带你读史》栏目继续带你了解《史记》之《十二本纪 夏本纪》。舜执政后,德教得到了大发扬。舜逝世后,禹继承天子之位,接下来又发生了什么故事呢,小吴带你一起读。 群兽起舞 百官忠诚合谐...

lead: today, "Xiao Wu with your histories" column continued to take you understand the "historical records" the twelve chronicles the Xia Ji ". Shun power, moral education has been developing. After the death of Emperor Shun, Yu inherited one, what happened next story, Xiao Wu together with you to read. The beast dance Baiguan harmony loyalty...