新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科技感增强 全新雪铁龙爱丽舍时尚型实拍

科技感增强 全新雪铁龙爱丽舍时尚型实拍

The sense of science and technology enhances the new Citroen Elysee fashion shoot

2015-03-23 09:29:54来源: 人民网

2015款全新爱丽舍官方售价方面并没有变化,与2014款售价相同,反而新增加的科技配置很有诱惑力,比如后备箱的一踹式开启。今天我们的实拍对象是全系里面的入门车型,2015款雪铁龙爱丽舍1.6L手动时尚型,官方售价为:8.38万元。 老款爱丽舍 外观方面,外观整体来说没有太多的改变,...

2015 new Elysee official price did not change, the same price and paragraph 2014, but increase in new technology configuration is very tempting, for example a treading type trunk open. Today our real object is the whole system inside the entry models, 2015 Citroen Elysee 1.6L manual fashion, the official price: 83800 yuan. The old version Elysee appearance, the appearance of the whole not much change,...