新关注 > 信息聚合 > “小鲜肉”宁泽涛自曝女神是范冰冰 众妹子心碎一地

“小鲜肉”宁泽涛自曝女神是范冰冰 众妹子心碎一地

Little meat Ningze Tao goddess of exposure is Fan Bingbing sister all broken in one place

2015-08-07 18:21:59来源: 河北新闻网

“小鲜肉”宁泽涛自曝女神是范冰冰 宁泽涛以47秒84在游泳世锦赛男子100米自由泳中夺冠,一时间宁泽涛人气爆棚,微博粉丝一夜涨了10万,众多妹子主动示爱,哈文、宁静、杨紫等大批女星也忍不住大赞“...

little meat Ningze Tao self exposure goddess is Fan Bingbing Ningze Tao to 47 seconds 84 in the swimming world championships in the men's 100 meters freestyle title, time Ningze Tao bursting with popularity, microblogging fans night rose 10 million, large number of sister active affection, HARVIN, quiet, Yang Zi, actress could not help praising...