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法拉利488 GTB 2015深圳贵宾品鉴会

The Ferrari 599 GTB 488 2015 Shenzhen VIP tasting will

2015-06-07 15:28:04来源: 爱卡汽车网

在刚开幕的上海车展上,法拉利发布了488GTB。法拉利488GTB是一款新超跑,搭载的是一台3902cc排量的V8双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率492kW(670Ps)。 车身尺寸方面,法拉利488...

in just the opening of the Shanghai auto show, Ferrari has released the 488GTB. 488GTB Ferrari is a new super run, equipped with a 3902cc displacement V8 twin turbo engine, the maximum power 492kW (670Ps). Body size, Ferrari 488...