新关注 > 信息聚合 > 央视:上港获得点球属误判 张稀哲去德甲长球了

央视:上港获得点球属误判 张稀哲去德甲长球了

CCTV: Hong Kong get penalty is a misjudgment of the Zhang Xizhe to Bundesliga prolate spheroidal the

2015-07-20 21:50:58来源: 新浪

杨智扑出点球 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月20日19:35分,2015赛季中超联赛第20轮上演榜首大战,北京国安主场0-0战平上海上港。央视足球评论员申方剑和嘉宾徐阳对这场焦点赛事进行了点评。申方剑和徐阳都认为上港所获得的点球是误判。申方剑称张稀哲长球了。徐阳认为张稀哲比去留洋之前踢得更...

Yangzhi saved a penalty of sina sports news Beijing time on July 20 19:35 and 2015 season of Super League the 20 round staged top war, Beijing Guoan home 0-0 draw with the Hong Kong Shanghai. CCTV football commentator Shen Fangjian and the guests Xu Yang of the focus of the event were commented. Shen Fangjian and Xu Yang both believe that the penalty is to get on the port is a miscarriage of justice. Shen Fangjian said Zhang Xizhe long. Xu Yang believes that Zhang Xizhe played more than before to liuyang...