新关注 > 信息聚合 > 30万平方米赛格假日广场炫彩启幕


300,000 square meters of SEG Holiday Plaza colorful curtain

2016-04-20 04:37:08来源: 大河网

深圳市赛格集团有限公司董事长孙盛典先生代表组委会讲话。 惠城区首届赛格杯四季跑赛现场。 4月16日,吸引上千人参与的“惠城首届赛格杯四季跑赛”在赛格假日广场盛大开跑。同时,作为赛格转型代表之...

Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Mr. Sun Shengdian speak on behalf of the organizing committee. SEG-City first Cup race run scene seasons. April 16, attracted thousands of people participate in the "First HuiCheng SEG Cup seasons run game" SEG Holiday Plaza grand opening run. Meanwhile, as the representative of the SEG transition ...