新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小区窗户上演“让子弹飞” 两颗弹洞吓坏八旬阿公

小区窗户上演“让子弹飞” 两颗弹洞吓坏八旬阿公

Cell window staged "Let the bullets fly," two bullet holes terrified octogenarian grandfather

2016-04-19 15:55:11来源: 中新网江西分社

日前,家住梅园大道的吴老先生报料称,他家阳台窗户上,发现了2个圆形孔洞,很可能是被人用气枪打的。 吴老先生说,虽然发现弹孔已一个月有余,但他最近总觉得站在阳台上不安全。 惊现:阳台窗户玻璃竟有2...

Recently, Mr. Wu, who lives in Plum Avenue rebellion said his family on the balcony window and found two round holes, is likely to be hit with an air gun. Mr. Wu said that although the bullet holes have been found more than a month, but he always felt safe on the balcony recently. Jingxian: glass balcony windows as much as 2 ...