新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星电子将在中英等国推“三星支付”服务


Samsung Electronics will push the "Samsung payment" service in Britain and other countries

2016-01-28 17:46:09来源: TechWeb

据韩联社1月28日报道,三星电子28日表示,计划2016年将在中国、英国和西班牙等国家推出移动支付服务“三星支付”(Samsung Pay)。三星电子无线事业部常务理事李景泰当天表示,2015年三星...

According to Yonhap reported January 28, 28 Samsung Electronics said it plans to launch in China in 2016, the United Kingdom and Spain and other countries mobile payment services "Samsung pay" (Samsung Pay). Samsung Electronics wireless division executive director Li Jingtai said on that day in 2015, Samsung ...

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