新关注 > 信息聚合 > H2K正式开闯娱乐圈 小鲜肉不怕“老男孩”

H2K正式开闯娱乐圈 小鲜肉不怕“老男孩”

H2K officially opened the new entertainment small meat is not afraid of "old boys"

2015-01-23 10:04:52来源: 娄底新闻网

H2K图 娄底新闻网讯 天娱小鲜肉组合H2K继不久前公布组合名称、正式进军娱乐圈后,近日又势头迅猛的推出了塔防骑士团的主题曲《骑士少年》,并迅速登上各大热门榜单排行,风头直逼神曲《小苹果》。 凭...

H2K diagram of the Loudi news net news entertainment days, small meat combination H2K after published combination name, formally enter the entertainment circle, recently the momentum of rapid launched defense Knights theme song "juvenile" Knight, and quickly boarded the hot list ranking, the limelight almost divine comedy "little apple". By...